Monday 17 May 2010

1,000,000 Years

Grandpa Hector sits at the dining room table with his grandson little Fraser, eating their fish suppers, grandpa tell’s little Fraser about the creatures that roamed the earth a million years ago “They became extinct, which meant that our species flourished, came out of the sea and evolved into our current state”. Little Fraser asks his grandpa what the creatures were called and how they became extinct. Grandpa pulls out his handkerchief and blows his blow-hole and tells his grandson, “They used to be the smartest animals on land, they were called humans and they eventually destroyed themselves through war and greed” Fraser shrills “MORONS” and they both jump into the sea and go for a 5 mile swim.

*Hector and Fraser are 2 of the dolphin genus.
*They eat fish
*Blowholes and shrills
*The reader is suppose to assume a human grandpa is telling his human grandson about the dinosaurs.

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